Create a Confetti Explosion Thank You Page For Your Contact Form

AI generated image of an exploding ball of confetti

In a recent client project, where I also created the skewed testimonials carousel, I created a contact form using Gravity Forms. This form allows potential clients to contact the owner, book personal training sessions in, and more. To add a special touch, I implemented a little feature that redirects users to a ‘thank you’ page with an exciting confetti explosion 🎉 when the form is submitted.

I’ll be using the awesome canvas confetti library from Kiril Vatev which makes it a breeze to achieve this confetti explosion effect. You can view the demo here.


1. Install the Canvas Confetti Library

I’ll be basing this ‘confetti explosion’ tutorial on the original method I used to create this functionality, specifically with WordPress and its approach. However, you can easily adapt it to other CMS platforms or programming languages as needed.

<script src=""></script>

You can install this confetti JavaScript library using NPM, but for the sake of simplicity in this tutorial, I’ll add it via a CDN directly into my WordPress functions.php file, installing it only on the ‘Thank You’ page.

In addition to the confetti script, I have also created and added in a thank-you.js file to my theme > js directory.

  • functions.php
function feh_enqueue_thank_you_script() {
   if (is_page('thank-you')) { 
      wp_enqueue_script('canvas-confetti', '', null, null, true);
      wp_enqueue_script('thank-you', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/thank-you.js', array('canvas-confetti'), null, true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'feh_enqueue_thank_you_script');

2. Add in the Canvas Confetti Code

Next is to open our thank-you.js file and add the magic.

  • thank-you.js
window.onload = function() {
   // Run confetti when the page loads
   setTimeout(function() {
         particleCount: 100,
         spread: 170,
         origin: { y: 0.6 },
         colors: ['#de466c', '#222e44']
   }, 500); 

2.1. Let’s Break Down Our Little thank-you.js Script

The code is designed to run a confetti animation 0.5 seconds (500 milliseconds) after the page has fully loaded. The confetti consists of 100 particles, spreads out over a wide angle (170 degrees), originates from slightly above the middle of the screen, and is coloured pink and navy blue.

3. Create a Confetti Explosion Conclusion

This tutorial has walked you through the process of adding a quirky confetti explosion effect to a WordPress site using the Canvas Confetti library. By incorporating this visual feature on a ‘Thank You’ page, you can create a memorable experience for your users after they submit a form. While this example uses Gravity Forms and WordPress, the same approach can easily be adapted to other CMS platforms or custom-built websites. The combination of a simple script and a well-timed animation can significantly enhance user engagement, adding a fun and celebratory touch to your site. Happy coding!

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